Crime Prevention is anticipating a crime risk and initiating action to reduce it. For a crime to occur, the criminal must have the ability, desire, and opportunity to commit it. There is very little you can do about a criminal's ability or desire to commit a crime, but we can work to eliminate the opportunity.
Crime Prevention is one of the most important tools in fighting crime.
Crime prevention is the whole community's responsibility, not just law enforcement.
Crime Prevention creates a safer and more secure community by developing partnerships between the community and law enforcement.
Crime Prevention takes commitment.
We encourage you to take an active role in making your community safe by familiarizing yourself with some basic crime prevention tips to help minimize your chances of becoming a victim. Be aware of your surroundings and vigilant about your safety and security. Remember, it only takes a moment for a dishonest person to seize an opportunity presented to him or her.
How can you help?
Be alert
Get to know your neighbors
Get to know police officers in your area
Get involved in the Neighborhood Watch Program
Report suspicious activity – call 911
Be a good witness - write down suspect and vehicle descriptions
Remember your safety comes first!