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Writer's pictureConstable Darren Smith

Drive Defensively Tipton - Ten Tips

Updated: Jul 9

What if I could give you information that could reduce your chances of being involved in a motor vehicle crash 10-fold? Information that would protect you from financial hardship, injury, or even death from motor vehicle collisions. Starting July 1st, we start a 10-part series "Drive Defensively" which aims to elevate community awareness and impart crucial traffic safety tips to prevent motor vehicle crashes in Tipton County. Stick with us, it will be like your daily vitamin, and you'll receive a valuable safety tip covering a specific aspect of road safety. Designed to cater to drivers of all ages and experience levels, this campaign highlights common driving hazards and offers practical advice on avoiding them. Join us in our commitment to making our roads safer. Follow this page to get these ten tips that could save your life. Explore my page and share these tips with your friends and family, and let's make sure everyone Arrives Alive.

1. We kick off the series with the Number 2 reason for crashes in Tennessee. Today's driving tip focuses on keeping a safe distance between your vehicle and the one ahead. Always leave enough space to react safely in unexpected situations. Keeping a safe distance between your car and the one ahead gives you more time to react. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends at least three seconds of following distance under normal driving conditions. This is important because it gives you enough time to react to sudden stops or emergencies from the vehicle in front of you without risking a collision.

Prevention Tip: Increase your following distance in adverse weather conditions or when driving a larger vehicle.

2. Distractions can be deadly while driving. Today's tip reminds you to always keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. Stay focused and stay safe. Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents. According to the CDC, approximately 9 people are killed daily in the U.S. due to distracted driving. This is important because distractions can significantly impair reaction times, making it difficult to respond effectively to unexpected road conditions or actions from other drivers.

Prevention Tip: Keep your phone out of reach while driving to eliminate the temptation to use it.

3. Remember, the posted speed limit is meant for ideal conditions. Adjust your speed accordingly to maintain control in varying weather and road conditions. Speed limits are set for ideal conditions. Rain, snow, and fog require reduced speed for safety. This is important because inappropriate speed can lead to loss of vehicle control, especially under adverse weather conditions like rain, snow, or ice, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

Prevention Tip: Reduce your speed by 10-20 mph below the speed limit when conditions deteriorate.

4. You don't need firecrackers for this one. Today's tip emphasizes the importance of using your turn signals to inform other drivers of your next move. It’s not just polite – it's safe! Signaling your intentions makes you more predictable to other drivers. A study by the Society of Automotive Engineers found that failure to use turn signals contributes to nearly 2 million accidents each year. This is important for communicating your driving intentions to other road users, reducing the chances of misunderstandings that could lead to accidents. Signal your intentions!

Prevention Tip: Always signal at least 100 feet before turning or changing lanes.

5. Keep your eyes ahead! Today's driving tip encourages you to actively scan the road far ahead of your vehicle, helping you anticipate problems before they arise. Constantly scanning the road allows you to recognize and react to potential hazards before it's too late. This is important because it allows drivers to anticipate potential hazards and adjust their driving before issues arise, promoting safer driving conditions.

Prevention Tip: Look 10-15 seconds ahead while driving, about one block in urban areas or a quarter mile on highways.

6. Today's tip deals with the four-way stop, roundabouts, and other ways in which drivers control the flow of traffic. When in doubt, yield it out. Today's tip concerns prioritizing safety by yielding the right of way at intersections and merges, especially if the situation isn’t clear.

Being aggressive at intersections can lead to accidents. Yielding the right of way can prevent collisions. This is important because it prevents accidents at intersections and other merging points where the right of way might not be clear, thus reducing potential conflicts.

Prevention Tip: When in doubt, let the other driver proceed first.

7. A well-maintained vehicle is a safer vehicle. Today's tip urges you to check your car regularly—proper maintenance can prevent breakdowns and accidents. Proper vehicle maintenance reduces the risk of accidents caused by mechanical failures. Tire blowouts and brake failures are common issues that can lead to severe accidents. This is important because mechanical failures can lead to dangerous situations on the road, such as brake failures or tire blowouts, which directly compromise the driver’s ability to control the vehicle.

Prevention Tip: Follow your vehicle’s maintenance schedule and regularly check fluids and tire pressure.

8. See the whole picture by adjusting your mirrors correctly. Today’s tip helps minimize blind spots, making lane changes and merging much safer. Correct mirror adjustment minimizes blind spots, which are a common cause of accidents when changing lanes. The reason this is important is because its key to eliminating as many blind spots as possible, enhancing the driver’s ability to see other vehicles and road users, which is critical for safe lane changes and turns.

Prevention Tip: Adjust your mirrors before you start driving to ensure maximum coverage and visibility.

9. Driving under the influence puts everyone at risk. Today's tip is a crucial reminder to drive sober or plan an alternative way home if you've been drinking. Driving under the influence significantly impairs your ability to drive safely. Alcohol-related crashes account for approximately 29 deaths in the U.S. each day, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The reason this is important is because alcohol and drugs impair cognitive functions, reaction times, and decision-making abilities, dramatically increasing the risk of accidents and fatalities.

Prevention Tip: Plan for a designated driver or use public transportation if you consume alcohol.

10. Our final tip in the series is to Be Aware of Pedestrians and Cyclists: Watch out for the little guy! Today's tip stresses the importance of being extra vigilant for pedestrians and cyclists who share the road with us. Pedestrians and cyclists are vulnerable and less visible on the road. Fatalities involving pedestrians and cyclists have increased in recent years. This is important because pedestrians and cyclists are more vulnerable than motorized vehicles and often have less protection in collisions, making it crucial for drivers to be vigilant and considerate to avoid accidents.

Prevention Tip: Always check for pedestrians and cyclists, especially in urban areas, school zones, and before making right-hand turns.


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