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Writer's pictureConstable Darren Smith

Home & Auto Theft Tips


During vehicle burglaries and thefts, criminals are strolling through neighborhoods during hours of darkness checking vehicles to see if they are unlocked.  Suspects are checking cars parked in the roadway and walking down residential driveways.  They do not appear to be scared off by motion detector lighting.  When a vehicle is discovered unlocked, they ransack it and remove any valuables.

Unfortunately, owners leave valuables such as wallets, purses, phones, tablets, computers, tote bags and cash.  Thieves are also checking owner manuals in the glove boxes and removing vehicle key fobs that owners unknowingly leave behind.  With a key fob, thieves are stealing cars.

  • Consider the following tips to prevent YOU from becoming a victim.

  • Always lock your doors and roll up your windows.

  • Never leave valuable items in your vehicle (i.e.: phone, purse, briefcase, backpack, cash, etc).

  • Store packages in the trunk of your vehicle while shopping.

  • Park in well-lighted areas at night.

  • Park vehicle in the driveway rather than the street.

  • Consider a car alarm for added protection.

  • Call 911 if you see any suspicious activity.

Please remember – DO NOT leave anything in plain view or valuables in your vehicles, even for a short while. Parking your car in your driveway does not make it protected from crime.  Lock your car doors and double check to make sure you removed all valuables.  Even if you think it isn’t valuable, a thief might.

Don’t make it easy to steal your car.

Prevention Tips

  • Never leave your car unattended with the engine running.

  • Always lock your car and close your windows.

  • Take your keys, including valet keys; never hide spare keys in or under the vehicle.

  • Invest in an alarm system or theft deterrent device.

  • Make sure that you did not leave a key fob in the owners manual, or anywhere in the car.

Parking Tips

  • Park in a secured well-lighted area.

  • If parking in the street, park with wheels turned sharply toward the curb.

  • Avoid leaving your vehicle in public parking lots for extended periods of time.

  • Always use your emergency break and leave the transmission in park. Manual transmission should be left in gear.

  • If your vehicle is front - wheel drive, pull forward into your driveway, if it is rear wheel drive back into your driveway.

  • Make sure your house is well lit (i.e.: outside lights, spotlights, motion lights, etc.).

  • Use exterior doors that are steel or solid core.

  • Use deadbolt locks with a 1" throw to secure exterior doors. If you have glass within 40" of the lock, use a double cylinder deadbolt.

  • Secure sliding glass doors by installing a pin through the frame, a locking device or a broomstick in the track.

  • Secure windows with locks or pins for both closed and partially opened positions. Use blinds and curtains for privacy.

  • Do not leave a spare key hidden outside your home or inside your vehicle.

  • Trim trees and shrubbery to keep them from providing access to upper floors and creating blind spots. Landscaping should not create hiding spaces or block windows and doors.

  • Remove items an intruder could use to gain access to your home (i.e.: ladders, tables, chairs, lawn tools, children's toys, etc.).

  • Always keep your garage door closed, even while at home or doing yard activities.

  • Place items of greater value further into the garage area instead of close to the door.

  • Install an alarm system if possible. They are only effective when used.


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